Download: Examples - HD44780
The following example programs are available to demonstrate the basic principles of how to use a HD44780-based lcd:
Example program that writes "Hello World!" to a HD44780-based character LCD.
* The HD44780-based character LCD is connected as follows (line 92 to 110 in HD44780_F3.c):
Vss (LCD pin 1) - GND
Vdd (LCD pin 2) - 3.3V
Vee (pin3) - Contrast circuit
RS (pin4) - PD0
RW (pin5) - PD1
E (pin6) - PD2
DB0 (pin7) -
DB1 (pin8) -
DB2 (pin9) -
DB3 (pin10) -
DB4 (pin11) - PD4
DB5 (pin12) - PD5
DB6 (pin13) - PD6
DB7 (pin14) - PD7
* The LCD will be setup for 4-bit mode (line 84), 16 columns (line 88) and 2 rows (line 89)
Example program that demonstrates the use of the character functions in the HD44780_F3.c library (HD44780_ClrScr(), HD44780_GotoXY(), HD44780_PutChar(), HD44780_PutStr()) and the use of string function sprintf().
* The HD44780-based LCD is connected and setup as described in ex1_HD44780_HelloWorld.c