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Download: Examples - TG12864H3 LCD

The following example programs are available to demonstrate the basic principles of how to use a TG12864H3 LCD:



Example program that writes "Hello World!" in normal mode and then inverted to a TG12864H3 graphics LCD.


Example program that demonstrates the use ofthe character functions in the TG12864H3_F4.c library (TG12864H3_ClrScr(), TG12864H3_GotoXY(), TG12864H3_PutChar(), TG12864H3_PutStr()) and the use of string function sprintf(). 


Example program that demonstrates the use of the graphics functions in the TG12864H3_F4.c library (TG12864H3_DrawPixel(), 
TG12864H3_DrawLine(), TG12864H3_DrawCircle())


Example program that demonstrates the use of the graphics functions combined with the character functions.


Example program that demonstrates a bouncing ball on a graphics LCD.